Christodoulos Chamzas was born in Komotini, Greece. He received the Diploma Degree in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, in 1974 and the M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1975 and 1979 from the Polytechnic Institute of New York, Farmingdale.

From 1979 to 1982 Dr. Chamzas was an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering at Polytechnic Institute of New York. In September 1982 he joined AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ, where he was a member of the Visual Communications Research Department until 1990, where he worked on adaptive systems, mobile communications, multimedia image databases and image coding. Since September 1990, he was a member of the Faculty of the Electrical Engineering Department at Democritus University of Thrace, where he was Director of the Electric Circuits Analysis Lab. (1991-2005), of the Sector of Electronics and Information Technology Systems (1997-1998 and 2012-2014) and of the Image Processing and Multimedia Unit ( http:\\ ) and of the CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES INSTITUTE ( (1998-2012) . During 2001-2003, he was elected to the position of the Department Head of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Democritus University of Thrace ( ). He retired on 2019 and he was elected to the position of Emeritus Professor. He has been a major player in the definition, design and implementation of the CCITT/ISO (JBIG, JPEG, etc), standards for coding, storage and retrieval of images (color & bilevel) an area where he holds six (6) international patents. In 1985-86, he was a visiting professor with the Department of Computer Science at the University of Crete, Iraklion, Greece. From 1994-1998, he was a member of the Telematics for Knowledge Working Party of EE, representing Greece. He has held summer positions in Greece, England, Portugal, as well as at Bell Laboratories. His primary interests are in cultural technologies, digital signal processing, image coding, multimedia and communications systems. He is currently interested in the implementation of 3D Digitization of Cultural objects and their dissemination with new technologies, multimedia image data base algorithms and schemas as well as content retrieval. He has over 2500 citations to his work (in Google Scholar).

Dr. Chamzas is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, Sigma Xi, an Editor in the IEEE Transactions of Communications (1989-1996) a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff of AT&T Bell Laboratories and a Senior Member of IEEE.


He was the Scientific Program Manager or the Scientific Group Manager in a number of European or National Projects in the area of Cultural Heritage. Indicatively the following are mentioned. iGuide-Explore the Unexplored Greece, "STACHEM", Science and Technology for Archaeology and Cultural heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean, CARARE- Connecting ARchaeology and ARchitecture in European, 3D-Icons (3D digitization of European Cultural Heritage).





C. Chamzas, "On the Extrapolation of Bandlimited Functions", Polytechnic Institute of New York, 1980, Ph.D. Thesis



  1. Chamzas C., "Edge Decomposition for the Transmission of High Resolution Facsimile Images", Filled in the U.S. Pattent and Trademark Office on Jan. 21, 1988. U.S. patent 4,873,577, October 10, 1989 (European Patent EP0325372, A2 26/07/1989 A3 17/7/1991)
  2. Chamzas C. and Duttweiler D.L., "Progressive Transmission of High Resolution Two-tone Facsimile Images, " U.S. Patent 4,870,497, September 26, 1989 (European Patent EP0325373 A2 26/07/1989  A3 17/07/1991).
  3. Chamzas C. and Duttweiler D.L., "Method and Apparatus for Carry-Over Control in Arithmetic Entropy Coding" U.S. Patent 4,973,961, November 27, 1990. (European Patent EP0443255 A2 28/8/1991  B1 20/11/1996)
  4. Chamzas C. and Duttweiler D.L., "Efficient Encoding/Decoding in the Decomposition and Recomposition of a High Resolution Image Utilizing its Low Resolution Replica" U.S. Patent 4,979,049 , December 18, 1990. (European Patent EP0400240 A2 05/12/1990 A3 25/3/1992 B1 20/11/1996).
  5. Chamzas C. and Duttweiler D.L., "Entropy Encoder/Decoder Including a Context Extractor, " U.S. Patent 5,023,611, June 11, 1991. (European Patent EP0410060 A2 30/01/1991  A3 9/10/1991 B1 16/8/1995).
  6. Chamzas C. and Duttweiler D.L., "Efficient Encoding/Decoding in the Decomposition and Recomposition of a High Resolution Image Utilizing Pixel Clusters, " U.S. Patent 5,031,053, July 9, 1991(European Patent EP0402016 A2 12/12/1990 A3 03/04/1991 B1 18/1/1995)..





1.           A Koutsoudis, G Ioannakis, P. Pistofidis, F Arnaoutoglou, N. Kazakis, G. Pavlidis, C Chamzas, N. Tsirliganis, "Multispectral aerial imagery-based 3D digitisation, segmentation and annotation of large scale urban areas of significant cultural value",  Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2021, 18 (3) pp

2.           A Koutsoudis, G Ioannakis, F Arnaoutoglou, C Kiourt, C Chamzas,"3D Reconstruction Challenges Using Structure-From-Motion",chapter in book " Applying Innovative Technologies in Heritage Science", 138-152, 2020

3.           G. Ioannakis, , F. Arnaoutoglou, A. Koutsoudis and C. Chamzas, "Exploiting Supervised Learning for 3D Model Semantic Segmentation Using Multispectral Data", 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN-2019), 7 - 8 March 2019 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering ASET, Amity University, Sec-125, Noida, Delhi-NCR, India 

4.           Α. Stergioulas, G. Ioannakis, A. Koutsoudis and C. Chamzas, “The Orion Pottery Repository - A publicly available 3D Objects’ benchmark database with texture information”, Euromed 2018 29 Οκτώβριου-3 Νοεμβρίου 2018

5.           G. Ioannakis, F. Arnaoutoglou, A. Koutsoudis, G. Pavlidis and C.  Chamzas, “CurvMaps: A Novel Feature for 3D Model Classification”, 9th international Conference on Intelligent Systems 2018 (IEEE), 24-28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018, Madeira, Portugal

6.           G. Ioannakis, A. Koutsoudis, F. Arnaoutoglou, G. Pavlidis, and C. Chamzas, “CurvMapsCNN: A Novel Method for 3D Model Classification and Retrieval”, submitted to Springer, Multimedia Tools and Applications

7.           A. Koutsoudis, G. Ioannakis,  I. Pratikakis, C. Chamzas, ""RETRIEVAL - An Online Performance Evaluation Tool for Information Retrieval Methods"", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2018, pp 119-127

8.           G Ioannakis, A Koutsoudis, F Arnaoutoglou, C Kiourt, C Chamzas, "On Structure-From-Motion Application Challenges: Good Practices", International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science (IJCMHS), Vol.1 Issue 2, July 2017, pp 45-57,

9.           G. Ioannakis, A. Koutsoudis,  C. Chamzas, "3D object spatial- consistent texture maps appropriate for 2D image processing", EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (2016), 5-7/10/2016, Genoa, Italy

10.        G. Ioannakis, C. Chamzas, A.Koutsoudis,  N. Papamarkos,  I. Pratikakis, N. Papamarkos, F. Arnaoutoglou, N. Mitianoudis, T. Sgouros, "Applying conformal geometry for creating a 3D model spatial-consistent texture map ", 1st Digital Media Industry and Academic Forum, DMIAF 2016, 4-6 July, 2016, Santorini, Greece - Proceedings pp 117-120

11.        G Ioannakis, A Koutsoudis, N Papamarkos, C Chamzas, "Object-Panorama using SIFT/SURF descriptors and Tamura texture features", International Workshop on Virtual Archaeology: Museums  & Cultural Tourism 23-26  September  2015, Delphi, Greece, Vol. 23,  pp 46

12.        G. Ioannakis, A. Koutsoudis, B. Vidmar, F. Arnaoutoglou, A. Tsaouselis, C. Chamzas, "Enhancing Multi- Image Photogrammetric 3D Reconstruction Performance on Low-Feature Surface", Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), 30/3-4/4/2015, Siena, Italy

13.        A. Tsaouselis, K. Stavroglou, A. Koutsoudis, F. Arnaoutoglou, A. Michailidou, D. Tsiafaki, C. Chamzas, “The 3D Icons Portal: A Web tool for the dissemination of European 3D Cultural Heritage Objects”, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), 30/3-4/4/2015, Siena, Italy

14.        A. Koutsoudis, F. Arnaoutoglou, V. Liakopoulos, A. Tsaouselis, G. Ionnakis, C. Chamzas, “Creating 3D replicas of medium-to-large scale monuments for Web-based dissemination within the framework of the 3D-ICONS project” ,  Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), 30/3-4/4/2015, Siena, Italy

15.        A. Koutsoudis, G. Ioannakis, B. Vidmar, F. Arnaoutoglou, C. Chamzas, "Using noise function-based patterns to enhance photogrammetric 3D Reconstruction performance of featureless surfaces", Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2015,

16.        A. Simeonidis, G. Ioannakis, A. Koutsoudis, C. Chamzas, "Inheriting texture maps between different complexity 3D meshes", ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium 2014, 23 - 25 June, 2014 - Riva del Garda, Italy

17.        S. Tsekeridou, V. Tsetsos, A. Chalamandaris, C. Chamzas, T. Filippou, C. Pantsoglou, "iGuide: Socially-Enriched Mobile Tourist Guide for Unexplored Sites

", SETN2014,  8th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence,  pp. 603-614, Ioannina, May 15-17, 2014 and Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8445 LNCS, pp. 603-614

18.        A. Koutsoudis, B. Vidmar, G. Ioannakis, F. Arnaoutoglou, G. Pavlidis, C. Chamzas, "Multi-image 3D reconstruction data evaluation", Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2014, 15 (1),

19.        F. Remondino, F. Menna, A. Koutsoudis, C. Chamzas and S. El-Hakim, "Design and implement a reality-based  3D digitisation and modelling project", Cutural Heritage 2013 International Congress, October 28 - November 1, 2013, Marseille, France

20.        A. Koutsoudis, I. Pratikakis,C. Chamzas "On 3D object retrieval benchmarking", 3D Research Journal, Vol.4, Issue 4, December 2013

21.        A. Koutsoudis, K. Stavroglou, G. Pavlidis, C. Chamzas, "3DSSE – A 3D Scene Search Engine: Exploring 3D scenes using keywords", Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2012, 13 (2) pp 187-194

22.        A. Koutsoudis, G. Pavlidis,  C. Chamzas, "Detecting Shape Similarities in 3D Pottery Repositories", Fourth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC2010), September 22-24, 2010, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

23.        A. Koutsoudis, G. Pavlidis,V. Liami,  D. Tsiafakis, C. Chamzas, "3D Pottery Content Based Retrieval Based on Pose Normalisation and Segmentation", Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 11, Issue2, July-September. 2010, Pages 329-338

24.        G. Pavlidis, F. Arnaoutoglou, A. Koutsoudis, C. Chamzas, "Virtual Walkthrough in a Lost Town - The Virtual Argostoli", IASTED, Accepted, February 17-19 2010, Innsbruck, Austria

25.        A. Koutsoudis, C. Chamzas, "A 3D pottery content based retrieval method", Eurographics 2009, Munich, Germany, March 30 - April 3, 2009

26.        A. Koutsoudis, C. Chamzas, "3D Pottery Shape Matching Based On Digital Signatures", Computer Applications And Quantitative Methods In Archaeology 2009, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA 22-26 March 2009

27.        A. Koutsoudis, F. Arnaoutoglou, G. Pavlidis, D. Tsiafakis, C. Chamzas, "A Versatile Workflow for 3D Reconstructions and Modeling of Cultural Heritage Sites Based on Open Source Software", VSMM08 14th international conference on virtual systems and multimedia dedicated to Digital Heritage, October 20th - 25th, 2008, Cyprus

28.        A. Koutsoudis, G. Pavlidis, F.Arnaoutoglou, D. Tsiafakis, C. Chamzas,"qp: A Tool for Generating 3D Models of Ancient Greek Pottery

", Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume , Accepted for Publication Issue ,  2008, Pages

29.        A. Koutsoudis , G. Pavlidis , F. Arnaoutoglou , D. Tsiafakis , C. Chamzas, "A 3D Pottery Database for Benchmarking Content Based Retrieval Mechanisms", Eurografics 2008, Crete, Greece, April 14-18, 2008

30.        C. Makarona, A. Koutsoudis, F. Arnaoutoglou, N. Tsirliganis, J. A. Stratis, C. Chamzas, "Towards a Complete Digitisation of Post Byzantine Icon ", Conference on 3D Colour Laser Scanning, London, England, March 27-28  2008

31.        A. Koutsoudis, F. Arnaoutoglou, G. Pavlidis, V. Tsioukas, C. Chamzas, "Creating Internet Friendly 3D Tours Using 3D Range Scanner Data",Conference on 3D Colour Laser Scanning, London, England, March 27-28  2008

32.        A. Koutsoudis,  F. Arnaoutoglou, G. Pavlidis, C. Chamzas,"3D content-based visualization of databases", International Conference on  Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. July 8-11, 2007

33.        A. Koutsoudis, F. Arnaoutoglou, C. Chamzas, "On 3D reconstruction of the old city of Xanthi. A minimum budget approach to virtual touring based on photogrammetry", Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 8, Issue 1, January-March 2007, Pages 26-31

34.        G. Pavlidis, A. Koutsoudis, Arnaoutoglou F.,V.  Tsioukas, C. Chamzas, "Methods for 3D digitization of Cultural Heritage", Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 8, Issue 1, January-March 2007, Pages 93-98

35.        F. Arnaoutoglou, A. Koutsoudis, G. Pavlidis, V. Tsioukas, C. Chamzas, "Towards a versatile handheld 3D Laser Scanner ",The 7th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST 2006),Nicosia, Cyprus, 30 October - 4 November, 2006, pp 7-12

36.        Zagoris K., Papamarkos N.  and Chamzas  C., "A web document image retrieval system based on word spotting", ICIP2006, Atlanta, USA, , October 2006

37.        Tsekeridou S., Kokonozi A., Stavroglou K., Chamzas C., "MPEG-7 based metadata extrensins for traditional Greek Music Retrieval", MRCS Conference, Instanbul Turkey, 11-13 September 2006

38.        Pavlidis G., Tsiafakis D,  Arnaoutoglou F., Balla K., Chamzas C., Pikrakis A.,  "Musical Universe", 3-rd International Conference on Museology", Mytilene, 5-8 June 2006

39.        Pavlidis G., Tsiafakis D,  Arnaoutoglou F., Chamzas C., Provopoulos G., Chatzopoulos S.,  "MOMI: A dynamic and internet-based 3D virtual museum of musical instruments", 3-rd International Conference on Museology", Mytilene, 5-8 June 2006

40.        Pavlidis G.,. Tsiafakis D, Koutsoudis A., Arnaoutoglou F., Chamzas C., "Recording Cultural Heritage", 3-rd International Conference on Museology", Mytilene, 5-8 June 2006

41.        Pavlidis G., Tsirliganis N., Tsiafakis D., Arnaoutoglou F., Chamzas C., Tsoukas V., Mpakourou E., Mexia A., "3D digitization of monuments: the case of Mani” 3-rd International Conference on Museology, Mytilene, 5-8 June 2006

42.        M. Makridis, N. Papamarkos and C. Chamzas, "An Innovative Algorithm for Solving Jigsaw Puzzles Using Geometrical and Color Features", 10th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, X CIARP, Havana, Cuba, November 15-18, 2005.

43.        Tsioukas V., Tsirliganis N., Pavlidis G., Arnaoutoglou F., Chamzas Ch., Mpakourou E., Mexia A., "Photogrammetic Modeling Of Byzantine Churches" , CIPA 2005 - XX International Symposium, 26 Sept. - 1 Oct., 2005, Torino, Italy.

44.        G. Pavlidis, A. Tsompanopoulos, N. Papamarkos and C. Chamzas, "A multi-segment image coding and transmission scheme", Signal Processing, Elsevier,  Volume 85, Issue 9, September 2005,  pp 1827-1844

45.        George Pavlidis and Christodoulos Chamzas, "Compressing the background layer in compound images, using JPEG and data filling", Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 20, Issue 5, June 2005, Pages 487-502

46.        George Pavlidis, Sofia Tsekeridou and Christodoulos Chamzas, "JPEG-Matched Data Filling of Sparse Images", ICIP 2004, Singapore

47.        Tsirliganis N., Pavlidis G., Koutsoudis A., Papadopoulou D., Tsompanopoulos A., Stavroglou K., Loukou Z., Chamzas C., "Archiving Cultural Objects in the 21st Century", Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 5, Issue 4, October-December 2004, Pages 379-384

48.        D. Tsiafakis, N. Tsirliganis, G. Pavlidis, V. Evangelidis, C. Chamzas, , “Karabournaki-Recording the Past: the Digitization of an Archaeological Site", EVA 2004:Conference of Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts, March 29-April2, 2004, Florence, Italy.

49.        Politou E., Pavlidis G., Chamzas C., "JPEG2000 and dissemination of cultural heritage over the Internet", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 13, No. 3, March 2004, pp 293-301

50.        Nestor C. Tsirliganis, Fotis Arnaoutoglou, Anestis Koutsoudis, George Pavlidis, Christodoulos Chamzas, "3D-ArchGIS: Archiving Cultural Heritage in a 3D Multimedia Space", DigiCult.Info: A Newsletter on Digital Culture, December 2003, Issue 6, 6-10

51.        D. Tsiafaki, A. Tsompanopoulos, G. Pavlidis, D. Papadopoulou, N. Tsirliganis, V. Evangelidis, C. Chamzas, "Archiving Cultural Objects in the 21-st century:Pottery from Karabournaki", XVI International Congress of Classical Archaelogy, 23-26 August 2003, Harvard University, Boston, U.S.A.

52.        Strouthopoulos, C.; Papantarkos, N.; Atsalakis, A.; Chamzas, C., "Text identification in color documents", Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2003. ISPA 2003, Pages 702 - 705

53.        G. Pavlidis, A. Tsompanopoulos, N. Papamarkos and C. Chamzas, “JPEG2000 over noisy communication channels: Thorough evaluation and cost analysis”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 18, Issue 6, July 2003, Pages 497-514

54.        G. Pavlidis, A. Tsompanopoulos, N. Papamarkos, C. Chamzas, "JPEG2000 over Noisy Communication Channels - The Cost Analysis Aspect", IEEE ICIP 2002, Rochester - New York, USA, Sep. 22-25, 2002

55.        Salkintzis, A. K. and Chamzas, C., “An Outband Paging Protocol for Energy-Efficient Mobile Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 48, pp. 246-256, Sep, 2002

56.        N. Tsirliganis, G. Pavlidis, A. Koutsoudis, E. Politou, A. Tsompanopoulos, K. Stavroglou, C. Chamzas, "New Ways in Digitization and Visualization of Cultural Objects", Proc. IEEE DSP 2002, Santorini, Greece, July 1-3, 2002

57.        Tsirliganis N., Pavlidis G., Koutsoudis A., Papadopoulou D., Tsompanopoulos A., Stavroglou K., Loukou Z., Chamzas C., " Archiving 3D Cultural Objects with surface pointwise data base information", First International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT 2002), June 19-21, 2002, in Padova, Italy

58.        Politou E., Tsevremes I., Tsompanopoulos A., PavlidisG., Kazakis A., Chamzas C., "Ark of Refugee Heirloom" - A Cultural Heritage Database, EVA 2002:Conference of Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts, March 25-29, 2002, Florence, Italy.

59.        Myridis N., Chamzas C., "1-D sampling using nonuniform samples and Bessel functions", The 1st IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, December 28-30, 2001, Cairo, Egypt

60.        N. Tsirliganis, G. Pavlidis, A. Tsompanopoulos, D. Papadopoulou, Z. Loukou, E. Politou, K. Stavroglou, C. Chamzas, "Integrated Documentation of Cultural Heritage through 3D imaging and multimedia database", VAST2001: Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 28-30 November 2001, Glyfada, Athens, Greece

61.        Strouthopoulos C., Papamarkos N., Atsalakis A., Chamzas C.,"Locating Text in Color Documents", ICIP 2001, October 7-10, 2001, Thessaloniki, Greece

62.        Myridis N., Chamzas C. , " Assumptions of K-Angularly and Radially Bandlimited 2-D Functions in Medical Imaging ", First SIAM-EMS Conference "AMCW" 2001, September 2 - 6, 2001, Berlin

63.        Pavlidis G., Tsompanopoulos A., Atsalakis A., Papamarkos N., Chamzas C., "A Vector Quantization-Entropy Coder Image Compression System", SNRFAI,2001, May 14-18, 2001 Castello, Spain

64.        Myridis N., Chamzas C., " Radial Trajectories in MRI: Uniform and Bessel Nonuniform Sampling ", 17-th Meeting of ESMRMB, , September 14-17 2000, Paris, France

65.        Myridis N., Chamzas C., "Bounds on Functions with N-th order Bandlimited Hankel Transforms", Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, An International Journal, Vol. 11, No.3, pp 277-283, Jul. 2000

66.        Salkintzis A.K., Chamzas C., "Performance Analysis of a Downlink MAC Protocol with Power Saving-Support", ΙΕΕΕ Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 1029-1040, May 2000

67.        Salkintzis A. K., C. Chamzas and P. Takis Mathiopoulos, "Mobile Data Networks: Advanced Technologies and Services", Editorial, ACM/Baltzer Mobile Networks and Applications Journal vol. 5, no. 1, 2000.

68.        Strouthopoulos C., Papamarkos N. and Chamzas C., "PLA using RLSA and a neural network", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence”, Volume 12, Issue 2, April 1999, Pages 119-138

69.        Myridis N., Chamzas C., " Application of Bessel-root nonuniform polar sampling in MRI", 16-th Meeting of ESMRMB, , September 16-19 1999, Sevilla, Spain

70.        Sevastiadis Christos, Chamzas Christodoulos, Kalliris George, Papanikolaou George, "Software for Estimation and Processing Simulation of Microphone Line Arrays", 137-th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2nd Convention of the European Acoustics Association, 15-19 March 1999, Munich, Germany

71.        Salkintzis A.K., Chamzas C., "An In-Band Energy Saving Protocol for Mobile Data Networks", ΙΕΕΕ Transactions on "Communications", Vol. 46, No 9, pp 1194-1205, September 1998

72.        Myridis N., Chamzas C. , "Evaluation and Study of k-space of the head phandom", 15-th Meeting of ESMRMB, 392, September 1998, Geneva, Switzerland

73.        Myridis N., Chamzas C., "Bounding Functions via N-th order Hankel Transform", IEEE DSP Workshop, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, August 9-12, 1998

74.        Myridis N., Chamzas C. , "Analytical 3-D Projection Reconstruction", 10-th IEEE, Image and Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing (IMDSP) Workshop-98, Alpbach, Austria, July 12-18, 1998.

75.        Strouthopoulos C., Papamarkos N. and Chamzas C., "A page Layout Analysis System", International Conference on Telecommunications, Porto Carras, Greece, 22-25 June 1998.

76.        Myridis N., Chamzas C., " n-Rosette Trajectory: A New Scheme For Fast MRI ", Society of Magnetic Resonance, Fifth Scientific Meeting, April 27 - May 3, 1998, Australia

77.        Myridis N., Chamzas C., "Rhombus Hankel Transform Reconstruction (RHTR) and Rosette Trajectories", Society of Magnetic Resonance, Fifth Scientific Meeting, April 27 - May 3, 1998, Australia

78.        Myridis N., Chamzas C., "Sampling on Concentric Circles", IEEE Transactions on "Medical Imaging", Vol. 17, No 2, pp 294-299, April 1998

79.        Salkintzis A.K., J.E.Pleyridis, C.S.Koukourlis, Chamzas C., "Design and Implementation of a low-cost wireless network for remote control and monitoring applications", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 21, Issue 2, October 1997, Pages 79-88

80.        Gatos B., Papamarkos N. and Chamzas C., "Skew Detection and Text Line position determination in digitized documents", International Journal of Pattern Recognition, Vol. 30, No. 9, pp1505-1519, Sept. 1997

81.        Gatos B., Papamarkos N. and Chamzas C., "A Binary-Tree-Based OCR Technique for Machine-Printed Characters ", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 10,No. 4, pp. 403-412, August 1997

82.        Strouthopoulos C., Papamarkos N. and Chamzas C., "Identification of text-only areas in mixed type documents", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 387-401, August 1997

83.        Myridis N., Chamzas C., "Sampling of MRI & MRS data by using Bessel Functions: An improvement of Signal Reconstruction", 14th ANNUAL MEETING EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY (ESMRMB ’97), Brussels, September 18-21, 1997

84.        Myridis N., Papamarkos N., Chamzas C., "Sampling on Polar Coordinates", 13-th Internatonal Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP97), Santorini, 2-4 July 1997, Greece, pp 785-788

85.        Salkintzis A. K., Chamzas C., "Performance Analysis of a Page-and-Answer Protocol in a Broadcast Packet-Switched Channel", 6-th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control: Telecommunications/Signal Processing COMCON 6, Grecotel Imperial, Corfu, Greece, 23-27 June 1997

86.        Γ. Κέκκερης, Α. Μπακαλίδης, Χ. Χαμζάς, "Καταγραφή/Τεκμηρίωση Έργων Τέχνης με το Πρόγραμμα ART BASE - Αξιολόγηση Χρήσης του Προγράμματος με Μαθητές Γυμνασίου", ΔΙΑΧΡΟΝΙΑ, Μάιος 1997, σελ. 74-83

87.        Gatos B., Papamarkos N. and Chamzas C., "Using Curvature Features in a Multiclassifier OCR System", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 213-224 ,April 1997

88.        Salkintzis A.K., Chamzas C., "Mobile Packet Data Technology: A survey of MOBITEX", IEEE Personal Communications, Vol. 4, No 1, February 1997, pp. 10-18

89.        Myridis N., Papamarkos N., Chamzas C., "Sampling on Concentric Circles", Accepted to IWSIP 96, Manchester Nov. 1, 1996 (Δεν περιλαμβάνεται στα πρακτικά του συνεδρίου διότι δεν παρουσιάσθηκε λόγω αδυναμίας μετάβασης)

90.        Chamzas C., "Adaptive Filters and Periodic Inputs: Conditions for an Exponential divergence", IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, October 13-16 1996, Rodos, Greece, pp 844-847

91.        Papamarkos N. and Chamzas C., "A new approach for the design of digital integrators", IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS), Vol. 43, Issue 9, Sept. 1996.

92.        Salkintzis A.K., Chatzis S., Chamzas C., "An Energy Efficient Protocol for Mobile Computing Environments", International Workshop on Mobile Communications, September 19-21, 1996, Thessaloniki, Greece

93.        Sampson D., Papadimitriou D., Chamzas C., "Post-processing of Block-coded Images at Low Bitrates", 1996 International Conference on Image Processing, September 16-19, 1996, Lausane, Switzerland, Vol 2 pp 1-4

94.        George Carayannis, Christos Chamzas, "Country Report (GREECE) of the Task Force Educational Software and Multimedia”, EDUCATIONAL MULTIMEDIA TASK FORCE, European Commission, June 1996

95.        Myridis N., Chamzas C., "K-space Sampling: A new Trajectory and Two Reconstruction Methods", Society of Magnetic Resonance, Fourth Scientific Meeting, April 27 - May 3, 1996, New York, New York, USA,

96.        Chatzis S., Salkintzis A.K., Chamzas C., "An Energy Saving Protocol for Data Networks using Out-of-Band Signaling", "5ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πληροφορικής", Αθήνα, 7-9 Δεκεμβρίου 1995.

97.        Α.Bakalides, Kekkeris G. and Chamzas C., " A Digital Art-Image Database Using Borland's Paradox". "Electronic Imaging & Visual Arts Conference" EVA 95 24-28, London, July 1995. (Accepted based on Summary)

98.        Chamzas C., Salkintzis A.K., Koukourlis C., " An energy Saving Protocol for Mobile Data Networks", "International Conference on Advances in Communication Control " COMCON 5, 26-30, June 1995. pp 511-522

99.        Gatos B., Papamarkos N. and Chamzas C., "Skew Detection of Digitized Documents Using Cross-Correlation", "International Conference on Advances in Communication Control " COMCON 5, 26-30, June 1995, pp124-130

100.     Kekkeris G., Bakalidis A. and Chamzas C., "ArtBase: An Interactive Multimedia Art Guide - Short Evaluation Report", International Symposium in 'Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of Multimedia in Education and Training' June 1995, Thessaloniki. (Accepted based on Summary)

101.     Strouthopoulos C., Papamarkos N. and Chamzas C., "Identification of Text-Only Areas in Mixed Type Documents", 1995 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing", June 20-22, 1995.

102.     Kouria A., Α.Bakalides, Kekkeris G. and Chamzas C., " A Digital Art-Image Database Using Borland' s Paradox". "Information Services & Use", (Special Issue: Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts), Vol. 15, Number 4, 1995 pp. 251-260

103.     Duttweiler D.L., Chamzas C., "Probability Estimation in Arithmetic and Adaptive Huffman Encoders", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,Vol. 4 No 3, pp 237-246 March 1995.

104.     Bakalidis A., Tsompanopoulos A., Chamzas C., " A Bilevel Document Archiving System Using JBIG", Proceedings of SPIE, "High-Speed Networking and Multimedia Computing", San Jose, California, 8-10 February 1994, pp 392-400.

105.     Bakalidis A., Tsompanopoulos A., Chamzas C., "JBIG for Windows", Proceedings of the 4-th Greek Conference on Information Technologies, Multimedia Session, Patra 16-19 December 1993, pp 119-126.

106.     Kekkeris G., Chamzas C., "Digitalised Works of Art", Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium on "Art and Technology", Athens 13-14 November 1993, pp 134-144 & 382-399.

107.     H. Hampel, R. Arps, Chamzas C. et. al. "Technical features of the JBIG standard for progressive bi-level image compression", Signal Process.: Image Communication Journal, Vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 103-111, April 1992.

108.     Chamzas C., Duttweiler D.L., "Encoding Facsimile Images for Packet-Switched Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. SAC-7, No. 5, pp 857-864, June 1989 .

109.     Chamzas C., Duttweiler D.L., "Progressive Encoding of Facsimile Images Using Edge Decomposition (PED)", IEEE GLOBECOM-88 (pp 31.4.1-31.4.5), November 28 -December 1, 1988, Hollywood, Florida.

110.     Chamzas C., Duttweiler D.L., "Encoding Facsimile Images for Packet-Switched Networks", Picture Coding Symposium 88, (pp 7.2.1) September 12-14th, 1988, Torino, Italy.

111.     Chamzas C., P. R. Trischitta, "Jitter Accumulation and Loop Experiments for Digital Optoelectronic Regenerators: A Theoretical Model", Submitted (accepted with changes) for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communications.

112.     Trischitta P. R. , P. Sannuti and Chamzas C., "A Circulating Loop Experimental Technique to Simulate the Jitter Accumulation of a Chain of Fiber Optic Regenerators", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM-36, No.2, February 1988, pp 205-213.

113.     D.A.Fishman, Rosenberg R.L. and Chamzas C., "Analysis of Jitter-Peaking Effects in Digital Long-Haul Transmission Systems Using SAW Filter Retiming", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM-33, No.7, July 1985, pp 654-664.

114.      Chamzas C., "Accumulation of Jitter: A Stochastic Model", AT&T Technical Journal, Vol. 64, No. 1 Part 1, pp. 43-76, January 1985.

115.     Rosenberg R.L. , Chamzas C. and D.A.Fishman, "Timing Recovery with SAW Transversal Filters in the Regeneration of Undersea Long-Haul Fiber Transmission Systems", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Special Issue on Undersea Lightwave Communications, Vol. LT-2, No. 6, pp. 917-925, December 1984, (also published in the Joint Issue of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. SAC-2, No. 1 ).

116.     Xu W.Y., Chamzas C. , "On Periodic Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences", SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 1210-1217, December 1984.

117.     Chamzas C., Trischitta P.R., "Simulation of a Chain of Digital Optoelectronic Regenerators", International 84 Athens Conference on Modeling and Simulation, (pp 215-234), Athens, June 27-29, 1984.

118.     Chamzas C., Xu W.Y., "An Improved Version of Papoulis - Gercheberg Algorithm on Band-Limited Extrapolation" IEEE Transactions on Acoustics , Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-32, No.2, pp. 437-440, April 1984.

119.     Xu W.Y., Chamzas C., "On the Extrapolation of Band-Limited Functions with Energy Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics , Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-31, No.5, pp 1222-1234, October 1983.

120.     Papoulis A., K.Y.Huang, Chamzas C., "Adaptive Clutter Elimination", Seventh Strategic Space Symposium (S -VII), November 4, 5 and 6, 1980, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA.

121.     Papoulis A. and Chamzas C., "Detection of Hidden Periodicities by Adaptive Extrapolation", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Vol. ASSP-27, No.5, pp. 492-500, October 1979.

122.     Papoulis A. and Chamzas C., "Improvement of Range Resolution by Spectral Extrapolation", Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 121-135, April 1979.

123.        Chamzas C., "Parasitic Spectral Lines in High Speed Generation of Binary Maximum Length Sequences", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol COM-26, No. 6, pp. 922-925, June 1978.

124.        Papoulis A. and Chamzas C., "Improvement of Range Resolution by Spectral Extrapolation", Third International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, June 5-7, 1978, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md.

125.        Papoulis A. and Chamzas C., "Adaptive Extrapolation and Hidden Periodicities", RADC Spectral Estimation Workshop, Headquarters Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss Air Force Base, N.Y., April 1978.

126.        Papoulis A. and Chamzas C., "On Image Processing", Sixth Strategic Space Symposium (S -VI), March 14, 15 and 16, 1978. SRI International, Menlo Park, CA.




1.               George Carayannis, Christos Chamzas , « Country Report (GREECE) of the Task Force Educational Software and Multimedia», EDUCATIONAL MULTIMEDIA TASK FORCE, European Commission, June 1996.



1.           Χαμζάς Χ., "ΙΠΕΤ: Η καρδιά της έρευνας και της Πολιτιστικής Τεχνολογίας χτυπά στη Θράκη", ΕΡΕΥΝΩΝΤΑΣ, Φεβρουάριος 2005, σελ. 12-15

2.           Γ. Κέκκερης, Α. Μπακαλίδης, Χ. Χαμζάς, "Καταγραφή/Τεκμηρίωση Έργων Τέχνης με το Πρόγραμμα ART BASE - Αξιολόγηση Χρήσης του Προγράμματος με Μαθητές Γυμνασίου", ΔΙΑΧΡΟΝΙΑ, Μάιος 1997, σελ. 74-83.